Stage 1: North Pole – Deadhorse: I’m starting to dislike me

Just a short update: I wanted to go North as far as possible on a motorcycle. This is the city of Deadhorse, close to Prudhoe Bay. As this is a city for oil industry only, the roads are “industry standard”, so in majority dirt and/or gravel, only sometimes paved. The name of the road is Dalton Highway and it goes through the mountains. The total length is about 520 miles. So far so good. It’s August. It’s rainy. Still ok. But in the mountains there is snow…and I kept on going.

No matter that my gloves were freezing after getting wet in the rain and I wasn’t able to open my visor as it was completely under ice. The last section of about 250 miles took me 7 hours…when 9 hours were announced. So, after a 14h ride in total I arrived close to midnight in an oil worker “hotel”, took the bus to the Arctic Sea, visited the smallest National Forest of the US (zero trees) and drank the beer I brought from home alone, as this is a dry city.

Now I get prepared for my way back through the mountains. I hope I don’t get stuck in the mud.

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